"WingMakers es un recurso para aquellos que están interesados ​​en los valores espirituales de su corazón y su mente, y están buscando nuevas ideas e inspiraciones para estimular su crecimiento y sentido de propósito. WingMakers no es una organización o un grupo de personas empeñados en resolver los problemas de hoy. Es exquisitamente personal. Está diseñado para ayudar a la persona a activar o profundizar en su camino espiritual" El Plan WingMakers

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"WingMakers is a resource for those who are interested in the spiritual values of their heart and mind, and are seeking new insights and inspirations to stimulate their growth and sense of purpose. WingMakers is not an organization or a group of people bent on solving the issues of today. It is exquisitely personal. It is designed to help the individual to activate or deepen their spiritual path, so they can rise to the purpose they came to serve as both a soul and soul carrier." The WingMakers Plan

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The art of the genuine is a subtle practice. There are energetic fields of compassion, understanding, appreciation, valor, forgiveness, and humility that surround the human instrument–every human instrument–like a cocoon surrounds a soon-to-be butterfly. These fields are the energetic equivalents of First Source’s4 imprint upon the individual soul. They exist in our world of form as coherent oscillations within the broader, inter-connective energetic fields of the multiverse, what Lyricus teachers refer to as the Domain of Unity. Together these fields are often referred to as divine love–the energetic “blood” that circulates throughout the multiverse–sustaining all life forms both temporal and immortal. 

The individual more efficiently and effectively accesses these fields of intelligence (virtues of the heart) through the activation of genuine feelings. It is not a matter of the mind or intellectual reasoning. The mind follows the leading impulse of the heart in matters of virtue and the attitudes therein. Practicing the art of the genuine is magnetically attracting these fields of intelligence into your consciousness and then expressing them in your behavior and actions to all forms of life that cross your path every moment in time and every centimeter in space to the best of your ability. 

This is practicing the art of the genuine, and when this is done, your feelings become more divinely inspired, more energetically magnetic, more liberating for all. The essential truth of behavior is to not forget your divine link and co-creative abilities with First Source, despite the enculturation of society. But if you forget, the essential action is to remember and rebuild this link, and this is done through the virtues of the heart

As you can see, there are two main components to this practice: drawing in the fields of intelligence that surround you, and expressing these emotions and attitudes in your behavior and actions. What most people do is to express their emotions without drawing in from the fields of intelligence that surround them –without “soaking” in the divine love that surrounds them at all times in all circumstances. Thus, to practice the art of the genuine, your feelings must be drawn from the energetic “well” that provides you the linkage to First Source and the potential for co-creative expressions. This linkage has existed as long as you have existed. It is not newly created. Perhaps, instead, it is newly forgotten.

If you visualize this diagram and place yourself in the center, imagine that you are attracting the heart virtues into your consciousness and expanding the link between you and First Source as you do so. You are clearing the pathways to receive the genuine feelings of these virtues into your consciousness as new patterns of intelligence and new expressions of behavior. 

This visualization can be done anytime and anywhere, and it will help you identify the wholeness of this link. Our linkage to First Source is not only based on compassion or forgiveness, it is based on six virtues and while these titles or names are like shells of their true meaning (from the energetic perspective) they approximate the manner in which each of us is enfolded with the spirit of First Source. Part of this practice is to see your understanding and comprehension of these names or descriptions expand and shift as you practice and exercise your imagination. 

There is a mutual transfer of intelligence that occurs in this practice and it will guide you over time as it becomes more unified. It will deepen and broaden your understanding of these virtues and how they can be expressed in new ways–ways that perhaps you have not even imagined. Be patient with this practice. The art of the genuine is called an art for a reason. It is not rational like mathematics where you have symmetrical energy input and output. You are opening your consciousness to a field of intelligence that surrounds you at all times. You are attracting this intelligence into your three-dimensional life as a co-creative force. This co-creative force is potent, dynamic, and miraculously intelligent. It will observe your practice before it will emerge to merge. 

This merging of your consciousness with the Domain of Unity is called many different things in the world of form. But whatever its name, practicing the art of the genuine quickens this merging. It is a discipline for those who wish to exercise their divine memory and enhance the relationship between themselves, their fellow beings, and First Source. In this enhancement, the field of consciousness that surrounds you magnetically draws the new radiations that are being brought to the planet into your microcosm of life. You can play with these new energies as new elements within the co-creative process just like an artist when they receive new colors onto their palette.

Extracted from The Art of Genuine
